
Posts Tagged ‘Wollmeise’


So, the day before yesterday I received a package from Sandykins, my Majik Yarn Ball Swap partner. I eagerly opened the package and found some things wrapped in tissue paper and a majik yarn ball. I was so excited that I didn’t take a first picture when I started unwinding it, but that was okay. I did take a picture when I was a little ways into it:

You can see that I have unwrapped a fair amount. Here is what I have uncovered so far:

So, I unwind and I unwind, and I unwind, and as I am doing this, I find my thoughts are straying from the goal at hand ( to uncover the goodies!) to the feel of this yarn and to the subtle color changes and I find that I am becoming hypnotized by this lovely yarn and I really, really have to snap myself back to what I want – the stuff!!!!!!! Here is what I have after 100 grams of unwinding:

And here is what I have uncovered:

The funny part is that I simply don’t care. I am so in love with this yarn that I could keep unwinding all day long! Eventually, though, all good things must come to an end, as was the case here. So here is a picture of everything I received, including the items wrapped in tissue paper:

Sandy sent me so many wonderful things from Sweden! First of course, the yarn – Wollmeise, and it is in a colorway that can only be had with the Fratello sock pattern from Yarnista. Oh, and not pictured are the lovely, delicious chocolates the Yarnista sends with her patterns! Mmmmm! And, yes, you are counting correctly, she sent me 3 pairs of Addis!!! The teas are delicious and she sent everything I need to have a cozy evening at home. Some little candies, a mug, a tea strainer (love it!) and the sock stuff! Sandy even sent me some music (which is playing right now) These guys are better than the 3 tenors! The moose book cracks me up! It has the greatest photos of moose and human interactions! Just too funny! I now have a new holder for my ID at school (all of the kids will be asking if I really went to Sweden!) and a great cell phone charm. My Swedish moose is hanging out on top of my computer monitor, along with my knitted kitties from another swap. I haven’t felt this spoiled in a long, long time! Thank you so much Sandy!!

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